Thursday, April 8, 2010

Northumbria and Beside the Manor Selby updates

Just got word that my World War I epic Beside the Manor Selby will have its premiere at ImagiCon, Birmingham AL on Friday, May 21st at 5 p.m. It will be shown again at 3 p.m on Saturday, the 22nd. Both screenings will follow the sci-fi epics Shubian's Rift and Shubian's Rift: Failed Diplomacy which I both scored (along with Selby of course).

Cult actor Conrad Brooks who stars in Selby is also promoting the movie at a convention in New York the weekend of May 15th.

Aethellis: Northumbria is coming along as well and I expect an excerpt from the title track to released online this weekend or early next week. I wanted to have it ready in March, but soundtrack commitments and preparing the widescreen version of Selby delayed that a bit.

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